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Pure Science Labs RAD-140 (Testolone) (60 Caps)

RM 278.00

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Pure Science Labs RAD-140 (Testolone) (60 Caps)

Pure Science Labs RAD 140 (Testolone) SARMs Supplement Malaysia for Anabolic Effect

RAD-140 or Testolone is a potent SARM available in Malaysia for muscle growth and strength enhancement. It is highly effective for lean muscle gains, improving endurance, and boosting power. RAD-140 is a recommended SARM for those seeking rapid increases in muscle size and strength, making it a top choice for athletes, powerlifters, and bodybuilders aiming to optimize their performance and physique.

Pure Science Labs RAD-140 is perfect for people who are bulking in a caloric surplus, as it delivers muscle growth effects quickly. Unlike traditional testosterone, RAD-140 SARM will have fewer side effects while having almost the same effect. Testolone begins to show results in a matter of days, allowing users to achieve their fitness goals without any delays. Whether you're looking to break personal records or enhance your physique, Pure Science Labs RAD-140 delivers powerful and consistent results within weeks of a cycle. You can add other supplements such as Whey Protein, Creatine, and Pre-Workout for a quick energy boost.

What is RAD-140 aka Testolone?

Pure Science Labs RAD-140 or known as Testolone, is an oral, nonsteroidal compound that is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). SARMs are designed to be like testosterone by binding to only muscle and bone receptors.

The benefits of SARMs like Testolone over testosterone include little to no side effects, and a more targetted anabolic response. Making it a safer option for those who want an improvement in muscle growth and recovery. Like anabolic steroids, it was initially developed for medical purposes, but the impressive ability to promote lean muscle growth and strength quickly made it a popular choice among athletes and bodybuilders.

ProteinLab Malaysia will ensure that you receive the purest RAD-140 SARM, having unmatched benefits such as;

  • An increase in strength, power, and endurance.
  • Lean, strong, and well-defined muscles during and after the cycle.
  • Reduced body fat while preserving muscle mass, especially during a cutting or weight loss phase.
  • Enhanced muscle recovery and repair during the cycle.
  • Prevent muscle-wasting, best on a low-calorie or low-protein diet, or during long stretches of not working out.
  • Little to no side effects compared to steroids or pro-hormones.
  • A fast and reliable way to break your personal records.

How RAD-140 (Testolone) Works?

Pure Science Labs RAD-140 works like any SARM, by selectively binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue. It will target certain muscles and bones, targeted area will receive anabolic activity while other areas like the prostate won't be affected. This means that common side effects when using anabolic steroids are not present when using SARMs like RAD-140. This makes Testolone a safer option for those who want to grow their muscles fast.

Human studies and preclinical research have shown that RAD-140 is amazing at increasing lean muscle mass, boosting strength, and promoting fat loss. The anabolic effects that RAD-140 are comparable to traditional testosterone-based compounds, but with fewer side effects. Other positive effects that Testolone offers are; support in bone health, increased endurance, and enhanced muscle recovery. An ideal choice for any athlete.

RAD 140 Pure Science Labs SARMs - Fat Burning & Lean Muscle Gainer

How to Dose RAD-140(Testolone)

People have reported good results while taking 5-10mg of RAD-140 daily in a 6-8 week cycle. For beginners, we recommend starting at the lower end of the dosage range. For advanced users, doses of up to 20 mg per day can be used, although, higher doses may increase any side effects, and you have to take a PCT after the cycle.

It's advisable to keep a cycle of RAD-140 to a maximum of 3 months, ensuring that your natural testosterone suppression is minimized and keeping the gains you earned. For shorter cycles (1-2 months), you can typically see significant gains by the peak of the cycle, but for prolonged results and optimization, a full 3-month cycle is ideal. Extending beyond the recommended timeframe requires additional PCT and recovery measures.

After completing a RAD-140 cycle, Post Cycle Therapy is recommended if not required to preserve your results and restore natural testosterone production. PCT will suppress estrogen and allow your hormones to return to normal levels, avoiding any unwanted side effects. Always use the highest quality PCT.

Pure Science Labs SARMS (16)

What Can You Expect After Using RAD-140?

Often regarded as one of the best alternatives to testosterone in Malaysia, Pure Science Labs RAD-140 will deliver powerful results comparable to what you'd expect from a first Test-E-only cycle. If your goal is body composition, you will notice fast gains in lean muscle mass and strength while simultaneously reducing fat.

If you are on a calorie surplus diet, or in a bulk, the effects of Pure Science Labs RAD-140 will be dramatic and fast. You will be likely be asked if you're on roids, due to the rapid muscle size gain and strength improvements. Unlike traditional anabolics, there's no excessive water retention, helping you in a lean, defined look throughout your cycle.

 Who is RAD-140 (Testolone) Suitable For?

Pure Science Labs RAD-140 is suitable for anyone who wants to increase their muscle size, strength, and athletic performance without taking anabolics. It is THE ideal choice for those looking to build a lean and powerful physique. If you want a beach body while being strong and dominating in any sport? Then Pure Science Labs RAD-140 is for you!

RAD-140 is also a great option for anyone looking for fast and lasting results. Its muscle-preserving effects during calorie deficits make it a great option if you are going for a body composition. Some other RAD-140 benefits are; Supports bone health, reduces the risk of injuries during heavy training, and strength.

Lean Muscle Mass: In RAD-140 studies, it was shown that it will increase muscle growth. Users typically gain a lot of lean mass in a short period. Think of what 10-15 mg/day can do for a 6-8 week cycle for you.

Strength: Users have reported breaking personal records by the third week of a RAD-140 cycle, achieving greater lifts and improved cardio endurance.

Fat Loss: While primarily a muscle-building compound, because RAD-140 will help in muscle growth, that extra muscle will increase your metabolic rate leading to greater fat loss.

Feel: RAD-140 like many SARMs will help you feel a sense of well-being, focus, and energy throughout the day.

Best SARMs Stack with RAD-140 (Testolone)

Although you can use Pure Science Labs RAD-140 by itself, it will deliver results in building muscle, enhancing strength, and boosting endurance. But for better and stronger results, you can stack RAD-140 with other SARMs, this will optimize the gains you will get during a single cycle.

(The Best SARMs Stack for MASS)
RAD-140 + MK-2866 + MK-677

This is the perfect SARMs stack for gaining mass as fast as possible while having optimal recovery and joint health. The combination will help you bulk up, without most of the unnecessary fat or water retention. RAD-140 will provide rapid muscle growth and strength. MK-2866 supports lean muscle gains and enhances metabolism. MK-677 will accelerate muscle recovery, joints, and bones while boosting growth hormone for long-term gains.

(Best for Fat Loss and Weight Loss)
RAD-140 + GW-501516 + S4

This is the ideal stack for shredding body fat while preserving muscle mass. You will notice a substantial amount of fat loss within 3 weeks of this cycle while maintaining the muscles you have. GW-501516 will improve endurance, cardiovascular performance, and fat burning, you will be able to do more cardio and burn more fat while adding this. S4 enhances your muscle definition, promoting vascularity and a lean, shredded physique. Stacking these with fat burners like Ripper for more fat burn and energy would be a good idea.

(Best for Building Mass with Little Weight Gain and Recomping)
RAD-140 + GW-501516 + MK-2866

This stack is ideal if you are skinny fat, it will help you do a body composition, and build muscle while burning fat. It delivers visible results quickly. GW-501516 promotes fat-burning and stamina. MK-2866 supports lean muscle growth, improves recovery, and protects your joints. RAD-140 will build more muscle.

Post Cycle Therapy with RAD-140 (Testolone)

Because RAD-140 is such a great muscle building, it can slightly suppress natural testosterone production. It is recommended to have post-cycle therapy, to help restore hormonal balance and preserve your gains after a cycle. How you begin a PCT after RAD-140 depends on your dosage and cycle length. For shorter cycles or lower doses, you can take herbal testosterone boosters such as Macatron and Scitec H.O.S Trio Pack, these may be sufficient for hormone recovery. For longer or higher doses, you should take stronger PCTs such as Clomid and Tamoxifen. 

Make sure you do take a PCT to ensure you get to keep your results post-cycle. A proper PCT with high-quality products will lead to the best benefits and results that will make your natural testosterone levels return to normal efficiently. You can get yours at ProteinLab Malaysia for the best results.

Pure Science Labs Testolone RAD 140 SARMs - Faster Recovery & Muscle Protein Synthesis

How To Determine The Quality Level of RAD-140?

You must take the highest quality of RAD-140. Pure Science Labs RAD-140 is one of the best SARM brands. To ensure that you are not taking counterfeit products, you should always buy your SARMs at ProteinLab Malaysia.

Side Effects of RAD-140

As with any performance-enhancing substance, it is crucial that you be cautious when using RAD-140. Monitoring your health with regular blood work, understanding the risks involved, and considering post-cycle therapy (PCT) are important steps to minimize potential side effects.

Be safe and rest assured you are getting 100% authentic products at the lowest price when you purchase from ProteinLab Malaysia.

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Kevinn Khoo