Pure Science Labs GW-501516 (Cardarine) (60 Caps)
ProteinLab sports supplement supplier/wholesaler Malaysia presents!
Pure Science Labs GW-501516 (Cardarine) (60 Caps)

GW-501516 or Cardarine / Candarine, is the compound for fat loss and enhancing one's endurance. It is a very effective SARMs for boosting your stamina and cardiovascular performance, and burn stubborn fat fast while keeping lean muscle.GW-501516 is not only great for bodybuilders or those who want to build muscle like typical SARMs, it is also a great choice for any kind of athletes, from runners to cyclists who want to push beyond their physical limits because of GW-501516 ability to enhance endurance. Pure Science Labs GW-501516 is also ideal for people who are looking to cut fat fast, unlike traditional fat burners, you will see the effects of this SARM in 3 months or less. Its effects come in fast and consistent, allowing users to see the results they want quickly without any of the crashes associated with stimulant-based supplements such as caffeine based fat burners and pre-workouts.
What is GW-501516?
Pure Science Labs GW-501516, or known as Cardarine, is a nonsteroidal compound that is classified as a PPARδ receptor agonist, often grouped with other SARMs like LGD-4033 due to its performance-enchancing properties while not being a steroid. Unlike the other SARMs, which selects a specific androgen receptor to aid in muscle building, GW-501516 focuses on PPARδ pathways, helping to improve fat metabolism, endurace and overall performance of the user.
This makes GW-501516 one of the best Sarms used for fat loss and muscle retention while in the cutting phase. It will improve your burning of excess calories, and thus your endurance. Moreover, with more muscle protection during cardio or workout activities, it will again spiral down to having higher metabolism and further burning more fats. So this continual spiral will keep you lean and keep burning fats, unlike traditional fat burners which will also consume your muscle as an energy source. Thus, by pairing a fat burner which allows you to use more calories, and GW-501516 which will protect your muscle and signal your body to use fats as an energy source, it will be super effective in bringing your physique to a new level you ever dream of.
Another benefit of using GW-501516 compared to other performance-enhancing or fat-loss supplements lie in the minimal side effect and non-hormonal change that GW-501516 provides. Yes you read that right, GW-501516 will have little to no impact on your hormones, making it a safer option for those who want a lean and shredded physique.
While GW-501516 was developed to treat metabolic and cardiovascular diseases such as obesity and diabetes, which it does. Over time, GW-501516 abilities to enhance athletic performance, boost stamina, and rapid fat loss gained the attention of athletes from all backgrounds, from bodybuilders to runners.
ProteinLab Malaysia provides the best supplements, you ensure you get your money's worth while getting the results you want, we have the purest form of GW-501516, providing unmatched performance and benefits that include:
- Fast fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass, helping you to lose weight while keeping you muscle to provide that shredded look.
- A huge boost in stamina and cardiovascular performance, helping you in your endurance training, whether it be running or cycling.
- Improved muscle recovery time, helping you to recover faster, meaning more time to train and more gains!
- Increased energy usage by burning stored body fat for fuel during your workouts.
- More muscle definition and vascularity, helping you to achieve that beach body you always dreamt of.
- Since GW-501516 is not a stimulant, you will not feel jitters or crashes unlike stimulant-based fat burners that uses caffeine
How It Works
GW 501516 is is a PPARδ agonist and NOT a SARM, but does work in very similar ways. In this case, GW501516 targets the androgen receptors that stimulate glucose uptake and skeletal muscle tissue. Currently, it is being suggested as a potential treatment for obesity by rapidly melting through what’s called “fatty acid oxidation“.
Also, Cardarine is said to increase HDL by an average of 79% (good cholesterol) and decrease LDL (bad cholesterol) in current Phase II trials.
These help increase your HDL levels from an enhanced expression of the cholesterol transporter.
Recommendations & Dosing Guidelines for Cardarine
10-20 mg per day is a sufficient dose. It is recommended to start at 10mg per day to take advantage of the host’s sensitivity to the new chemical. 10 mg a day is aimed at endurance, and the higher the dosage the greater the fat loss benefits are going to be
Lab mice should be given dosages 45 minutes- 1 hour before exercise.
GW501516 has been tested for a 2-year study and has found no decreases or stagnation in effects. Most individuals run cycles for 12-14 weeks at a time with a 4-6 week break. This normally coincides with a SARM cycle, but there is no evidence showing that GW 501516 needs to be off-cycled after such a short amount of time. GW 501516 was created for long-term usage, so there is no reason why it shouldn’t be used that way.
- Half-life is between 16-24 hours and should be taken at 10mg once a day or 10mg once every 10-12 hours if taken at a higher dose.
- No PCT is needed, GW is recommended in combination with PCT if highly toxic anabolics have been used.
- Highly recommended to use with a ketogenic diet.
- Can be used in conjunction with anabolics and stimulants of any kind without adverse reactions.
What Can You Expect After You GW-501516?
You can expect a multitude of benefits in one cycle of GW-501516 (Cardarine). Users often report an improvement in stamina during all kind of endurance activities, with the ability to sustain high-intensity workouts for longer periods. This effect is assigned to Cardarine's role in enhancing energy metabolism, especially fat. You can also expect fat loss as GW-501516 is believed to increase the body's usage of fat as the main energy source. Another link to Cardarine is improved recovery, allowing for more workouts and intense training. Other anecdotal reports suggest that Cardarine may make your mood more positive, contributing to an overall sense of well-being.
Much like growth hormone, GW-501516 generates proinflammatory markers in adipose tissue and decreases the activity of genes involved in lipogenesis. This means that the body is able to block fatty acid chains from forming and being stored as fat.
A study from Scientific Reports published in 2015 stated:
“GW501516 acts on PPAR beta cells that exclusively use body fat as energy in the same way the body would when going through “starvation mode”.
The study is quoted stating: “physiological and pathophysiological functions of PPAR and generated novel strategies to treat metabolic diseases”.
The activation of these particular genes in the body has been seen to burn body fat at such an alarming rate that it is being coined “the cure to obesity”.
There were absolutely no adverse side effects detected in the last 20 years of study and it was extremely rare to see muscle wasting at any point during the research.
Who is Cardarine (GW-501516) Suitable For?
As we have mentioned many times, GW-501516 has multiple benefits, each caters to a group of people with different goals, if you are in the group below, consider taking GW-501516 to improve your athletic journey:
GW-501516 is suitable for those who are in a cutting phase after a long bulk, as mentioned, Cardarine will help the metabolism of fat while keeping lean muscle, it will help you keep those well-earned muscles during a heavy bulk.
Cardarine is especially great for individuals who are overweight and looking to cut fat, coupled with a good diet and sports, these people can expect rapid fat loss while a general improvement in athletic performance.
If you are looking for a supplement that will surely work, without any problems or significant side effects, Cardarine is your friend.
Enhanced Endurance: People who use Cardarine will report an increase in stamina and the ability to do high-intensity workouts for longer periods of time. This effect is because of GW-501516's role in enhancing energy use.
Fat Loss: As we have mentioned a lot, GW-501516 promotes fat loss by improving the body's usage of fat as an energy source. This shift in what your body uses for energy will result in fat loss. You can also add fat burners like Ripped Freak or Lipo 6 for an increased effect.
Improved Recovery: While we have not mentioned this, some GW-501516 users report faster recovery times between workouts, allowing you more frequent and more intense training sessions. Add in BCAA's for added affect.
Good mood: Although this is just anecdotal among users of Cardarine, users report thatCardarine helps to give a sense of well-being and stable mood during use. However, scientific evidence of this is limited.
Best SARMs Stack with GW-501516
While using GW-501516 from ProteinLab Malaysia SARMs brands such as Pure Science Labs and Zendava by itself will cause great benefits to fat loss and stamina, you can get more benefits in one cycle by stacking multiple SARMs.
Here are some of the best SARMs stack you can get in Malaysia!
Cardarine + Ligandrol + Andarine
We have said one of the benefits of GW-501516 or Cardarine is fat loss, and it will be great during a cutting phase, but by adding Ligandrol and Andarine, you will see greater benefits. LGD-4033 or Ligandrol will help in gaining lean muscle mass while on a cut, it will increase your strength and will also help with fat loss! Andarine or S4 will also help in fat loss, increase muscle mass and strength while help you improve bone density which will help in how much weight you can carry and enhances your endurance.
Cardarine + Ligandrol + MK-2866
We have talked about the benefits of Cardarine and Ligandrol, now we add in MK-2866 in the mix, not only will you lose a LOT of fat, but you will notice more muscles, and more pump after the second week of using this stack! Yes it works that fast, Ostarine or MK-2866 will enhance muscular structure and strength
GW-501516 + Vitamins
Vitamin D goes well with Cardarine because it aids in fat metabolism, which will help Cardarines fat burning properties. You can also get a Vitamin B complex, a B-complex vitamin will help convert food into energy. Vitamin B12 particularly enhances metabolism and supports red blood cell production, both of which compliments GW-501516's benefits greatly.
Post Cycle Therapy with GW-501516
As GW-501516 is not a SARM, it will not affect your hormones at all! So while using ONLY GW-501516 you don't need a PCT.
But if you are planning on stacking GW-501516 with other SARMs, it is highly recommended that you take a PCT to boost back your testosterone level pre-cycle. You can start herbal therapy, ProteinLab Malaysia founder @Kevinn.Khoo would suggest using the Scitec HOS trio pack as it not only boosts testosterone but also suppresses estrogen and optimizes other hormones such as your metabolism. If you are using 3 stacks of some together, we would also recommend adding Clomid or Tamoxifen into your post-cycle therapy stacks.
How to determine the quality level of GW-501516
To buy GW-501516 in Malaysia, you really have to be careful since a lot of these companies will sell you just about anything, falsely advertising it as GW or SARMs. The supplement market in Malaysia itself is saturated with fake products. Thus Proteinlab Malaysia not only wants to ensure you get original authentic supplements but also SARMs.
There has also been a recent ban on SARMs in the USA and Malaysia which has forced most of the most trusted distributors to shut down their operations. Thus the import of original authentic SARMs in Malaysia has become extremely difficult.
I have used many different places that have remained online, but GW-501516 by Proteinlab Malaysia (www.proteinlab.com.my) is untouchable. Proteinlab Malaysia supplement offers Worldwide distribution, which of course includes Malaysia.
Its formula is based on months of research and is hailed to be the strongest, purest GW 501516 in the Malaysian market. It’s the only place I’ll use.
Side Effects
In the last 20 years, no side effects have been seen by anyone studying the drug. GW-501516 aka cardarine / candarine has not only been tested in healthy subjects, but also in those with simulated “real life” habits (such as drinking alcohol, stimulant narcotics, and the use of tobacco products). It is uncertain if there are long-term ramifications, but no research has been published stating otherwise. there have been research trying to show GW-501516 aka cardarine / candarine having potential side effect as below but, reseach proof more than needed:
Liver Damage
In contrast to popular belief, GW501516 doesn’t promote damage to liver cells. But as researched goes on, GW-501516 aka cardarine / candarine chemical has actually been known to promote healthy liver function and faster healing properties to the skin and muscle tissue.
Concerns about GW-501516 potentially promoting cancer stems from the ability to enhance angiogenesis, which could THEORETICALLY accelerate tumor growth if cancer cells are present. This hypothesis originated from studies on lab mice given really high doses of 400mg per day over long periods of time! However these studies have been widely criticized as flawed and unrepresentative of normal usage, think about it, 400mg/day on rats?! When human are supposed to only use 10mg?
This studies is flaw in so many way when you are increasing the dosage of mice by 400x of what they are supposed to use. Imagine instead of giving you one bowl of rice, I force fed you 400 bowl of rice! not to mentioned diabetic, you will die from indigestion even before having insulin resistance or diabetic!
More newer research has debunked these claims, a 2004 study found that PPAR agonists, which includes GW-501516 do not promote cancer cell growth under normal conditions. More recent studies in 2008 suggest that GW-501516 inhibits growths of certain cancer cells, such as those in breast and colon. Over a decade of research have been done of human PPAR beta has shown a decrease in cancer cell activity and improved metabolic and liver function with GW-501516.
Check out some of the studies and resources on GW 501516 for more info:
Final Takeaway
It’s true that most athletes and professional bodybuilders simply lack the endurance and cardio levels to get the results they want. With GW, you can actually add lean mass while reducing body fat…something you can’t do taking anything else. You’ll be able to lift longer and harder, and with an intensity never known to you before. This obviously is what it takes to get results and get them fast.
Be safe and rest assured you are getting 100% authentic products at the lowest price when you purchase from ProteinLab Malaysia.
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