Thanks for those who turned up at #gymaholic event and it is truly a BLAST!
It's been fun, talking and able to interact with people that's into fitness and simply just getting better in daily basis. We are truly happy to see that so many consumers are well aware on how sport and fitness supplementation is able to aids bodybuilder, men physique or even normal people whom which to obtain a better body shape to get towards their goal faster.
Hope that we're able deliver some useful advise towards your goal. Never hesitate to drop us any questions, #teamproteinlabmalaysia, we're most welcomed to help.
We are proud to say that Proteinlab Malaysia founder Kevinn Khoo Teng Shang is among the esteem judge for Mr and Mrs Utar physique competition. He is also delight to see so many young students are working hard day and night to obtain the physique they wanted. However, Kevinn Khoo also mentioned that, physiques and nice body is not obtain solely by working hard in the gym day and night. But nutritions including proper supplementation is important for users to obtain their desire physique. This why ProteinLab Malaysia is here to provides customers with the cheapest available supplements such as whey proteins, fat burners, weight gainer, testosterone booster, multisource protein, BCAA, amino acids and many more.
Team ProteinLab Malaysia with the booths in Utars, selling sport supplement such as Mutant mass, Optimum nutrition serious mass, BPI bulk muscle, Optimum Nutrition Casien, Optimum Nutrition gold standard 100% whey protein, Mutant whey, BSN Synta-6, Muscle Pharm combat powder, Hydrocycut hardcore elite performance series, Mutant creakong, Optimum Nutrition Amino energy, Optimum Nutrition fish oil soft gel and many more. We are also selling high protein peanuts butter at that time.
Mr Utar and Mrs Utar is battling it out to see who have the best improved physique. The competition is indeed a smoking hot battle!
The winner or Mr Utar and Mrs Utar are decided. ProteinLab Malaysia founder Kevinn Khoo Teng Shang is up on stage as the representative to award the winner with their hard earn prize they deserve.
A small little arm wrestling game which is organized by ProteinLab Malaysia to keep the fun going. ProteinLab Malaysia ambassador TJ come up to stage to show the guys his physique and how to arm wrestling. All whom dare to challenge him will get a price.
Our ProteinLab Malaysia mini booth which is located inside the hall to educate the contestants and students of the different type of sport supplements such as mass gainer, weight gainer, whey protein, other type of proteins, fat burner, fat loss supplement, meal replacement, health supplement, general health support supplement and many more which is available in the market. In addition to that, Team ProteinLab Malaysia is also readily available to provide individual special customized sport supplements, nutrition and training advice to ensure that they get the correct knowledge to work towards your goal.
The founders of ProteinLab Malaysia Kevinn Khoo Teng Shang and Kelvin Teng Yi Yong along with Proteinlab Malaysia team member battling it out with UTAR students in the arm wrestling mini competition. Team Proteinlab is teaching and guiding the students on how to properly arm wrestling. All the participant and winner surely get cash voucher to go home with them as well. =) This was indeed a fun day for us to keep guiding those whom love fitness to keep on improving.
UTAR and Team ProteinLab beauty are battling it out in the arm wrestling competition as well. No matter whose the winner, both sure look sexy as hell.
Team ProteinLab Malaysia founder and Team ProteinLab Malaysia ambassadors are taking picture with their fans. We hope that we will continually get their support now and even the future.
In addition to that, you can always follow ProteinLab Malaysia founder Instagram for more flash deal promotion from his insta story or to get fitness motivation and nutrition advice at:
You can also like ProteinLab Malaysia page to know more and the up to date activities: