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Pure Science Labs S4 (Andarine) (60 capsules)

RM 258.00

ProteinLab sports supplement supplier/wholesaler Malaysia presents!

Pure Science Labs S4 (Andarine) (60 capsules)

Pure Science Labs S4 - SARMs Malaysia for Fat Loss & Preserving Muscle Supplement

S4 or Andarine is THE SARM for cutting, it is very effective and will improve muscle definition. It helps to retain lean muscle while shedding body fat, making this SARM the best for getting that toned and sculpted physique. S4 is also the best for enhancing strength, endurance, and muscle hardness without water retention. Great for athletes, bodybuilders, and all fitness enthusiasts aiming to get the shredded look while maintaining the performance of a bulk. Pure Science Labs S4, is an ideal supplement for cutting workout regimes, as its effects are fast-acting, you can see it without a few days to weeks! Unlike creatine, fat burners, or protein supplements, S4 is a step up above those.

What is S4 aka Andarine?

Pure Science Labs S4 known as Andarine is an oral, nonsteroidal compound that is categorized as a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM). SARMs were created to mimic the effects of testosterone by only binding to androgen receptors in the muscles and bone. Some benefits of Pure Science Labs S4 SARMs over traditional steroids or PEDs include minimal side effects and it only targets specific androgen receptors that will avoid unwanted hormonal descriptions. 

S4 (Andarine) was created to treat muscle-wasting diseases, osteoporosis, and other conditions/diseases that result in the degradation of muscle and bone mass. Slowly, its potential to improve performance, muscle retention, and fat loss came to light and bodybuilders started to use it for cutting phases. ProteinLab Malaysia only brings in the best supplements, you can expect to see the results below while using it:

  • Improvements in muscle definition and vascularity
  • Retention of lean muscle mass during a calorie deficit diet
  • Stronger, more strength, power and endurance
  • Fast fat loss for the lean body look
  • Quicker recovery after workouts
  • It doesn't cause bloating or water retention
  • Minimal side effects compared to traditional steroids and pro-hormones
  • Easily break your own personal records with improved athletic performance and body aesthetics.

How S4 (Andarine) Works?

Pure Science Labs S4 works by binding to select receptors in muscle bone tissue. This selectivity will only trigger anabolic effects, muscle growth, retention, and bone health without impacting other tissues like the prostate or sebaceous glands, which are common side effects while using anabolics. Studies have shown that Pure Science Labs S4 is effective in preserving muscle mass while reducing fat during a cutting phase, making this one of the best SARMs for weight loss. Volunteer human studies have shown that Andarine is safe to use with the recommended dose, which is 25mg per day. Using this dose will result in minimal side effects or crashes, unlike caffeine-based fat burners.

Pure Science Labs SARMs S4 (Andarine) - Supplement for Cutting & Getting Shredded

How to dose Andarine?

People report success taking 25-50mg of S4 per day for 4 weeks. A high dose will burn more fat although it is best to stick to the recommended doses to avoid any adverse effects. You can stack Pure Science Labs S4 with other SARMs for the maximum results on a single cycle. For a cutting cycle, you can stack it with LGD-4033 or GW-501516. This will make you burn fat the fastest. It's suggested to use S4 for a maximum of 2 months, this is the sweet spot as prolonging the use of this SARM beyond this time is not recommended. Typically, during the 4-week mark, you start seeing peak fat loss, but it is crucial to stick within the recommended doses and cycle period. After a cycle is done, you should take a PCT or post-cycle therapy, it is essential to make your natural hormone levels return to normal. Always ensure you have a proper PCT to maintain the gains you earned and to restore your normal testosterone and estrogen levels after the cycle.

Pure Science Labs S4 Andarine SARMs Supplement Facts Malaysia

What To Expect After Using S4?

After using Andarine (S4), you will expect a huge fat loss, muscle preservation, and big strength gains, you should be in a calorie deficit to make the effects more pronounced. S4, as mentioned, is great for cutting and getting that lean, defined look. You'll see lean muscle gains without water retention, the pumps during your workouts will be intense, with intense vascularity and strength gains that will make you break all your personal records within a 4-week timeline! 

Who Should Use Pure Science Labs S4?

S4, being a great fat loss supplement that will preserve lean muscle with strength gains, means that S4 or Andarine will be great for individuals below:

For those who just finished bulking: S4 will help with fat loss during a cutting phase and will help you keep the muscles you built during a heavy bulk.

People who just started their fitness journey looking to lose fat: As mentioned, S4 will help you lose fat, if you're looking to be fitter and healthier after a long hiatus or long life of being overweight, S4 will be amazing for you.

Fat Loss: A great preserver of lean muscle, when cutting, some if not most of the muscle during a bulk will be gone if you don't cut properly! S4 will help with cutting, aiding you to make your fitness journey easier.

Strength: Although usually during a cutting phase, most people will lose strength, you will notice a decline in lifts and reps. But by using S4, you will gain strength even during a cut! It will help you in breaking gym plateaus.

Lean Muscle Mass: While it's not a potent muscle growth supplement like other bulking SARMs like MK-677, S4 still supports strength, so by having a high protein diet, while being able to lift more, you will gain muscle.

Mood and Energy: S4 does not cause mood swings or crashes unlike traditional steroids, and people often feel energized and focused during workouts while on S4.

Pumps: S4 is almost the same as Anavar in a way that it leads to intense pumps, making your muscles feel bigger and veins will pop out after every workout.

Best SARMs Stack with S4:

While you can use S4 by itself, by combining other ProteinLab Malaysia SARMs like Zendava or Pure Science Labs, you can expect greater benefits during one cycle.

(Fat Loss & Weight Loss)
S4 + Cardarine  + Ligandrol

This stack will be perfect when you want to lose body fat really fast all the while improving your cardiovascular health. S4 helps with fat loss and maintains lean muscle mass. Cardarine will boost fat oxidation and endurance. You will get leaner, and faster with more strength. This combination is recommended for all athletes, especially endurance athletes, or anyone who wants to lose weight fast. For more fat loss, you can consider adding in L-Carnitine and fat-burning supplements. 

(Recomping & Lean Muscle Gain)
S4 + Cardarine + MK-2866

This stack is perfect for those who are skinny fat, or just overweight and who want to not only burn fat but build more muscle. S4 will help with fat burning and strength while Cardarine boosts metabolism and endurance. This will create a compound effect, letting you burn fat, while being able to do more endurance work which will inturn burn more fat. And MK-2866 will enhance muscle strength and size. This is the combination that will help you get in shape, while being more lean and jacked. You should add in Whey Protein Supplements to ensure you have enough daily protein for muscle growth.

Post-Cycle Therapy


Because normal testosterone production in the body will be affected, even to a small extent, treatment is always suggested to perform after a cycle with Ligandrol. 

How you start treatment after taking S4 is completely up to you. Some athletes who use S4 complete the cycle and start herbal therapy, while others rely on the most popular testosterone boosters on the market. ProteinLab Malaysia founder @Kevinn.Khoo would suggest using Scitec HOS trio pack as it not only boosts testosterone but also suppress estrogen and optimizes other hormones such as your metabolism. If you are using 3 stacks of some together, we would also recommend adding Clomid or Tamoxifen into your Post Cycle therapy stacks.

The drop in natural testosterone production levels is entirely dependent on the consumption of this SARM S4. If you take a minimum dose of Andarine, the body will recover very quickly after the cycle. 

Side Effects of S4

S4 may cause slight suppression of natural testosterone production, but levels returning to normal levels a few weeks after a cycle, you can use PCT for better results. You might also have night vision impairment, where users will experience difficulty seeing in the dark, but this will go away after S4 is stopped. 

Be safe and rest assured you are getting 100% authentic products at the lowest price when you purchase from ProteinLab Malaysia.

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Kevinn Khoo